So Sanjaya should be celebrating the fact that he far outstayed his talent. Much better singers -- Chris Sligh, Gina Glocksen, Stephanie Edwards, Sabrina Sloan -- left before they should have because of the phenomenon known as Sanjaya. His name is already more well-known than the eventual contest winner's will be. In fact, he could become a word in the next edition of Merriam-Webster:
Function: noun, transitive verb
1. A person, object or thing with limited capabilities that far exceeds its expected usefulness.

So let's not mourn Sanjaya's departure from Idol. This season is so imbued with his spirit that he will live on. Now we can really start paying attention to the singing while he's making a ton of $$$.

Cowell said, and we believe, that he might not be the nicest person in the world, but he would never disrespect the families or the victims like that and felt it was necessary to set the record straight. In fact, during an interview on Ryan Seacreast's radio show yesterday, he said he was horrified when he saw a playback of the show.

Much ado about nothing? Not really. Cowell was crucified online yesterday for his insensitivity, even though he made a statement during Blake's critique (recorded here and many other places) offering the judges' best wishes and support to the families involved in the tragedy. Hopefully that ends the misunderstanding. What we should all get out of this after watching the separate discussion is how much the judges don't pay attention to what's happening onstage during the show. It's been documented in many blogs and articles that the three talk through most of the performances, claiming that they've seen the dress rehearsals, so they know what to expect. Whatever.

We're actually hoping that Phil Stacey will be the next choice for VotefortheWorst.com. It might help him outlive Richardson. (Remember, the VFTW choices aren't always stinkers. Taylor Hicks was their final choice last season. And we didn't care what help we got as long as he beat Katharine McPhee.) Although DialIdol ranked Stacey an amazing No. 1 this week, we're nervous about his true longevitity. Not that we want him to win; but we'd love to see him outlast Richardson and Jones. The only three who deserve to be in the finals are Melinda Doolittle, Jordin Sparks and Blake Lewis (we still can't narrow it down to two in our head).
Also on the show:
- Another Ryan Seacrest man-on-the-street clip, asking "regular people" their opinions of the show. At least this week they were able to remember the contestants' names.
- The group performance of "I'm Alright." Generally, these are abysmal, but we have to admit the group sounded good this week, the harmony excellent.
- The idiotic AI challenge, where the producers make mucho bucks on text-messaging.
- A clip of the finalists telling us what music they are currently listening too. Funniest? Chris Richardson who likes Maroon 5 and Jason Mraz, but said his favorite CD was Peter Noone and Herman's Hermits.
Fergie (taped), sings "Big Girls Don't Cry." The ballad is a nice change up from her usual "I'm so sexy doncha wish you were me" songs.
- The Ford commercial, featuring "I Ran."
- In case we've (fat chance) forgotten, we sit through another promo of next week's IdolGivesBackPalooza, featuring, among others, Gwen Stefani, P!nk, Earth Wind and Fire, Il Divo, Rascal Flatts, Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson. There will be a "duet with two of the biggest stars in history." Any guesses?
Before the elimination, it's the old 7 finalists are left ploy: Ryan divides them into two groups of three, declares Melinda safe, then tells her to join the group she thinks is safe as well. She refuses and sits on the floor. Ryan tells her to slide over to Phil, Jordin Sparks and Chris.
A shameless promo for "Shrek the Third" follows. The finalists go to Dreamsworks to screen the film, where they meet studio head Jeffrey Katezenberg and Antonio Banderas
who voices Puss 'n Boots (they are also in the audience last night, along with Banderas' wife, actress Melanie Griffith, and their daughter).
Martina McBride sings "Anyway." She is later joined by her daughter onstage. The kid was a natural and stole the show.
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