This is an "American Idol" blog, and, as everybody knows, just hours before the pronouncement of America's newest idol, it should be leading with news about
Jordin Sparks and
Blake Lewis. So, in case you slept through last night's competition here it is: She'll win, he'll lose. Game over. (Call us when they force both contestants to do anything but a treacly ballad as the coronation song, then we'll call it a fair matchup). See more below ...

Far more interesting yesterday was
Simon Cowell reopening his contract negotiations three years early by announcing that when his current Idol obligation ends he's quitting. Do we believe him? Is Blake gonna win?
Leave it to Cowell to try to steal the thunder from the Idol finale with his timing. On yesterday's edition of
"Extra," he dropped this "exclusive bombshell confession" to correspondent
Terri Seymour, who, oops, also just happens to be his girlfriend:
Cowell told Seymour that the clock on "Idol" is ticking for him, and that in a few years he'll be gone! What Cowell might quit? Why, he hasn't threatened to quit in, oh, 4 weeks, since
Sanjaya Malakar was still a finalist.
"There comes a point where you've got to move on," Simon explained. "You've got to say when your time's up. This is the year I decided that on 'American Idol,' once I've done 10 series, your time's up. It's time to do something new," he told Seymour.
Then what? "I think it's time to bring in new people, because I think you know, 10 years is a long time." Hey, this season alone was a long time, sez us.
"And we've just got to make the next three great." Hopefully greater than this year ... yawnnnnnn.
Of course, Cowell doesn't plan to just kick back on some golf course in three years, telling Seymour, "I think I'd rather drop dead than retire."
So what will he do? Well, his "big plans" might include working with none other than Michael Jackson. (Talk about a career-killing move.)
"We were planning something with the record label maybe for 'Thriller,' but we'll see what happens," Cowell divulged. "I can't tell you more than that. A big, big tribute, but we'll see."
Hmmm, let's see, Simon. "Thriller" was released, um, 17 years ago. So, in three years ... could it be. Wait it is! A 20-year tribute! Holy Sherlock Holmes!
And Cowell said he already has an idea of who he wants to replace him on Idol ...
Donald Trump. Oh yeah, we're ready for that. Check, please!
Last night might have been the strangest finale for Idol ever. It was The Balladeer vs. The Beat-Boxer, two wonderful entertainers who together formed a great bill, but who separately were incapable of performing each other's style of music. She soars on ballads, he rocks out beat-box, and never the twain shall meet. If she attempts anything fast, she fails. If he goes for the super sweet power songs, he stinks. And so it went last night.
The show was pretty much a neck-and-neck race until the final song, otherwise known as the deadly coronation killer. Unfortunately for Blake Lewis, it was, typically, the cheesy, smaltzy ballad that the producers love. It's hard to believe that "This Is My Now," an incredibly stupid title BTW, was the result of a nationwide contest. But, then again, the folks picking it were the same morons who always pick ballads so sickeningly and cloyingly sweet that you need an immediate insulin injection to recover from them.
A song worse than
Taylor Hicks' "Do I Make You Proud"? We wouldn't have believed it. But "This Is My Now" will live on in the Idol Hall of Shame alongside "Proud" and "Inside Your Heaven,"
Carrie Underwood's unfortunate coronation song.

The evening started out with Ryan Seacrest introducing the judges,
Randy Jackson, dressed in his version of the Sgt. Pepper's jacket,
Paula Abdul and her unbandaged

but swollen broken nose and
Simon Cleavage, er
Cowell. Ryan broached the subject of Abdul's broken nose, wanting to know if this is the new one (it did

look slightly different, but it could be the swelling). Paula explained that she had tripped over her sleeping Chihuahua, Tulip, but then assured the awwwwwwing audience that the dog was unhurt. "So, the bitch is OK, we got it," offered Ryan. Depending on your opinion of Abdul, things went up- or downhill from there.
Watch Ryan Seacrest opening the show, including banter with judges and clips from the Seattle auditions, where both Blake and Jordin were put through to Hollywood:
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