Watch Part 1 video of Chikezie interview on "American Idol Extra"
Watch Part 2 video of Chikezie interview on "American Idol Extra"
Watch video of Kellie Pickler performing "Didn’t You Know How Much I Loved You" at the Grand Ole Opry:
Watch video of Kellie Pickler performing "Things that Never Cross a Man’s Mind" at the Grand Ole Opry:
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
American Idol:
The Top 10 Results Show

Chikezie ("If Only for One Night")
Syesha Mercado ("If I Were Your Woman")
Jason Castro ("Fragile")

Watch video of Chikezie elimination journey:
When Ryan Seacrest introduced the Top 10, he coyly stopped by Jason Castro and then between Chikezie and Syesha Mercado. This is the third time in as many weeks that we've noticed a "tell" on the results show, either indicating the Bottom 3 or the contestant who was about to be eliminated. Last week, Amanda Overmyer was the only girl missing in the medley chain as the girls stood onstage to sing "Here, There and Everywhere," showcasing one after another. Amanda only appeared later on the left rear side of the couch as they finished the song. Her "solo" came after that, she sang: "And in the end the love you take ... ." Watch video.
The week before, the Top 12 were each individually shown in fast succession during a video segment on the "Horton Hears a Who" premiere. The last contestant was David Hernandez but, as they got to him, the film dissolved into a digitized blur and you never saw his face (at about 1 min 10 sec. into the video) Watch it. Interesting. Are the producers intentionally playing games to tip us off before the actual results are announced?
Back to last night. Next was the the group medley, Maxine Nightingale's "Right Back Where We Started From." We must admit, this season's contestants sound great together compared to contestants from seasons past, when some of the medleys were actually painful to listen to.
Watch video of Top 10 group medley, "Right Back Where We Started From":
We also saw footage of how the finalists go into the studio each week and record full-length versions of their shortened show performances that are for sale on iTunes.
Watch video of finalists recording in the studio:
The eliminations began and Chikezie, the first contestant onstage, was told to take a stool. Uh-oh. Next cames Brooke, who, of course, was safe and then Carly, who dispelled the pregnancy rumors that began swirling earlier this week. We had deja vu of Katharine McPhee needing to do the same thing two years ago after wearing loose-fitting tops a few weeks in a row. Carly was told to head for the couch, the stage safety zone.
The week's Ford commercial was sung to "I Want You to Want Me," with graphics of the contestants on T-shirts, posters and CD Cases becoming animated. Cute, but it's still just a commercial.
Watch video of the Ford commercial, "I Want You to Want Me":
Chikezie Eze,
Dolly Parton,
Jason Castro,
Syesha Mercado
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
American Idol Top 10 Perform:
Birthday Bliss

Sure, there were stronger performances and weaker performances, but not a true clunker among them. Not even from perpetually awful Kristy Lee Cook, whose savvy choice of an über patriotic song will not only keep her from being eliminated (once again), but, we predict, also keep her out of the Bottom 3. Dang, she even sang it well and showed some emotion for a change. Obviously someone has taught this girl how to play the game since last week. Not that we're crazy about the ploy. It's certainly not the reason she should stay in the contest. But it's a tactic Kristy Lee has used before. Take a look at the video for the title song "Devoted" from her independently released CD. It plays off the same patriotic principle. But what does it also say about her that a Confederate flag is prominantly featured on a back wall (about 50 seconds in), a detail that was digitally erased from the "official" video on the Web site selling her CD? Patriotic or racist? Or nothing at all? You be the judge.

Randy Jackson, who seemed to be cranky about most of the performances Tuesday night, said the it wasn't the right song and was a little too big for Ramiele. He also noted that it was a little pitchy and all over the place. Paula Abdul revealed that Ramiele was having trouble with her voice this week, saying, "I'm really glad America's heard you sing and how big your voice is. People don't know you barely have a voice right now ... I give you a tremendous amount of credit ... for doing what you did because you're really sick." She added that she hoped Ramiele would stay in the competition because "you're a very big talent in a little small package." Surprisingly, Simon Cowell said, "I didn't think it was as bad as Randy said," and that the first part of the song was OK. "In the middle it all got a bit shrieky and shouty (we agree). He predicted that, "After what you sang last week, which I thought was appalling and you managed to survive, then you're gonna get through on that performance. No question about it." He could be right.
Watch video of Ramiele Malubay singing "Alone":

Randy said the song was one of his favorites and a good choice, but that Jason didn't do anything different with it vocally. "I'm still waiting to see that jump-out vocal performance," Jackson said. Paula told Castro he was staying true to who he was, but "I don't think we saw anything different that makes us go 'Wow, Jason did something different.' " Simon told Jason that he's had two bad weeks and needs to start taking the competition a bit more seriously. "That was the equivalent of someone busking outside the subway station," he said, adding, "The way that you played the guitar on the track was clumsy. Everything about it was too laid back, too much in your own world ... you're not gonna win if you keep doing that week after week."
Watch video of Jason Castro singing "Fragile":

Randy said, "I think this is the best I've ever heard you sing ... the best you've ever sounded," excitedly adding, "I think it was stellar, I think it was unbelievable, I'm shocked, I'm loving it, yes! Yes! We've got another competitor in the competition ... Blazing hot!" Uh, but did you like it, Randy? Paula said, "This is going to be the moment that everyone remembers where Syesha flipped it and became the dark horse who's going to sail on through. You were fantastic ... It was brilliant." Um, but did you like it, Paula? Simon said, "It was definitely the best so far," but tempered it with, "I think there is a limit on your vocal and I think that song stretched it." Frankly, we did't think the performance was quite as memorable as Randy and Paula did. Strong, yes, but not an "Idol" moment. That came for two other performers later in the evening.
Watch video of Syesha Mercado singing "If I Were Your Woman":

Randy said the performance was very old school and that he didn't love it. It wasn't hip and cool and wasn't the vibe he loves. "It was just alright for me." Paula disagreed, saying it was a good throwback and that she thought Chikezie did a great job and did amazing with the texture of his vocals. "You're a really great singer," she said. Simon said, "I think you sang it well. Having said that, I thought the performance actually was very cheesy."
Watch video of Chikezie singing "If Only for One Night":

Randy thought the front part of the song was pretty good and liked that Brooke restarted it when she realized the first note was wrong. But he didn't like the band coming in or the arrangement during the middle of the song. "I was waiting for something else different to happen. I almost would have loved it if you would have just stayed without the band and made it more interesting on your own. It was just okay for me." Paula said, "I enjoyed this performance so much more than last week's," and called Brooke consistent. Simon said, "I totally agree with Randy, which is if you'd have just stayed you on the piano that actually would have sounded much more cool. The minute it picked up tempo and the band joined in it made it very old-fashioned," adding, "But, better than last week."
Watch video of Brooke White singing "Every Breath You Take":

Randy said, "Finally, you believe in yourself and you use that big old voice you got ... That was the best performance, for me, since you've been on this show." Paula added, "For any time that any one of us have every said you haven't found your right song, well we can shut our mouths on this one. This is your ... shining moment and I'm so proud of you ... It was fantastic." And for Simon, "This is the first time with you I saw star potential, because you just got it right ... You look like a front person, you were confident, you performed well. For me, it was the only memorable performance of the night so far." Ah, but more was to come.
Watch video of Michael Johns singing "We Will Rock You/We Are the Champions":

Randy said, "I didn't love it. I liked it ... I didn't like the note at the end (agreed!), it went a little sharp (and overdramatic!). I think that wasn't quite the right song for you, it was just okay for me." Paula told her, "What I so admire about you is you probably can take every song I'm not crazy about ... and make me go buy it. I loved what you did at the end (ugh!) because that's showing me that you're ... willing to go and stretch yourself into areas that you haven't shown us." For Simon, "Something didn't quite work, and I think it was because you were so tense and almost uptight during the performance that I didn't enjoy it as much as I thought I was going to." He added, "I think parts of the song you sang very well, but ... something didn't quite work there ... I think you've got to just lighten up a little bit." We sensed no tension at all from Carly during the performance and did't quite get what Simon meant.
Watch video of Carly Smithson singing "Total Eclipse of the Heart":

Randy said it was a strange song choice but proved that David can sing whatever he wanted. "It was still very nice. I don't know the song, but very nice." Paula, gushing over the kid whose head she'd like to pluck off and squeeze, said, "I think all of us were kind of trying to figure that out ... David you can sing the phone book and we'd fall in love with it." Simon, much more in tune with our feeling, said, "I'm going to be honest with you, and this is not going to make me very popular, I actually didn't like the performance at all. I thought it was actually reminiscent of a theme park performance ... It's one of those ghastly songs you sing when you've got like animated creatures with you and everyone joins in together. That's what it reminds me of. I don't think that is you at all, and I'd be amazed if you chose the song yourself because it's not you." Amen, brother.
Watch video of David Archuleta singing "You're the Voice":

Randy called it a great song choice and said that other than some little pitchy spots in the middle he thought it was a very nice performance. Paula called it a very poignant and respectful song and a very good choice, but added, "I've seen better performances from you (when?!!!), but your voice is sounding much stronger. Watch the pitch problems, but you're growing." Simon cannily said what we were all thinking, "You're best performance by a mile, I think. That was the most clever song choice I have heard in years ... Overall, a good performance and that's going to keep you in the competition."
Watch video of Kristy Lee Cook singing "God Bless the USA":
Up to this point, we were feeling a bit badly for Michael Johns, thinking that he had had his moment and it hadn't rated the "pimp" spot. That was until David Cook took the stage. This guy never fails to keep amazing us. His take on the Chris Cornell version of Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean" was brilliant. Sadly for Cornell, a lot better than his. When we saw the spoilers, we listened to the Cornell version and thought that it was funereal and even depressing. Whether it was the shortened length, the arrangement, Cook's voice or a combination of the three, David transformed it into something truly magical. It will definitely make the record books as one of the show's truly inspired "moments." Right up there with Clay's "Bridge Over Troubled Water" and Fantasia's "Summertime." Who ever thought Cook could outdo his version of Lionel Richie's "Hello"? We can't wait to hear what's coming next, and literally can't wait to hear the full studio version of "Billie Jean."
Randy told David, "I think you're probably the most original, the most bold contestant we've ever had ... You might be the one to win the whole lot ... Molten hot." Paula, giving Cook a standing O, said "I'm blown away. I can't sit down. I've got to tell you how smart you are, how brave you are and how willing you are to stretch the boundaries. And you do it right to the edge without going over. I think you're brilliant and I think you can [win]." We held our breath until Simon said, "David, that was brave. It could have either been insane or amazing, and I have to tell you, it was amazing." Yea! Right on!
Watch video of the AMAZING David Cook singing "Billie Jean":
Bottom 3: Ramiele Malubay, Jason Castro, Chikezie
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© 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
American Idol:
The Top 11 Results Show

Carly Smithson ("Blackbird")
Kristy Lee Cook ("You've Got to Hide Your Love Away")
Amanda Overmyer ("Back in the U.S.S.R.")

Amanda Overmyer
Watch video of Amanda Overmyer elimination:

Still, we have to give credit to "Idol's" producers for checking out our exclusive poll that ran from the middle of last season until January 2008, where we asked our readers to vote on whose songbook they wanted to see featured with that person mentoring on the show. The producers apparently weren't able to get your most popular choice, Carole King, but they were able to snag two other of your most popular choices to appear.
Here are your results:

Musically, the show gets off to an inauspicious beginning with audio problems during the Top 11 Beatles medley. First the audio starts fading while Jason Castro and David Cook sing their section of "While My Guitar Gently Weeps." Next Ramiele Malubay joins Brooke White for "Here, There and Everywhere," but only Brooke's microphone is working. We're beginning to think it's going to be a very long hour (and, in fact, it was. The show ran over to 62 minutes. Who knew there was that much fluffy filler in the world?)
Watch video of Top 11 Beatles Medley:
Part of the fluffy filler included not only the week's Ford commercial by the Top 11, but also a video of the making of the week's Ford commercial. Does Ford have to pay double for the ad time this week?
Watch video of Top 11 Ford commercial "Should I Stay or Should I Go":
And just when you think it can't get any fluffier -- or stupider -- we come to this year's lamest segment, the viewer call-in Q&A. Someone needs to tell the producers that this segment is even worse than last season's "Man/Woman/Child on the Street" interviews by Ryan Seacrest. Those were dazzlingly entertaining by comparison! Simon Cowell was asked why he spends so much on cars and so little on clothes, a question Cowell called "rude." Simon and Paula Abdul were asked if they would considering filming a sequel to their kiss scene from Season 2 (He says "yes," because Paula is a good kisser. Paula never got to answer). Ramiele was asked what the last song she downloaded to her iPod was (R. Kelly's "I'm a Flirt") and Michael Johns was asked if his "Idol" experience has been everything he thought it would be (yes, and more. It's been very stressful). Wow! How illuminating.
Watch video of stupid viewer call-in Q&A.

Watch video of Kellie Pickler performing "Red High Heels":
And finally, just prior to the elimination, the show does its weekly pimp spot for this year's "Idol Gives Back" on April 9. This week it's a clip of Elliott Yamin and Fantasia in Angola distributing mosquito nets. Elliott gets all verklempt when a woman names her newborn for him. OK, it was touching and we verklempt, too. Sue us! We've also learned, though Ryan strangely didn't announce it, that Ellen DeGeneres will again be cohosting the show this year. DeGeneres will host from the Kodak Theatre with Seacrest hosting from the "Idol" stage.
The updated list of performers includes Maroon 5, Heart, Gloria Estefan, Boyz II Men, The Clark Brothers, Bono, Brad Pitt, Reese Witherspoon, Miley Cyrus, Mariah Carey, Eli Manning, Peyton Manning, Fergie, Chris Daughtry, Carrie Underwood, Annie Lennox, John Legend and Snoop Dogg, with many more to come. This year's event will raise awareness and funds to benefit six charities: the Children’s Defense Fund, The Global Fund, Make It Right, Malaria No More, Save The Children and the Children’s Health Fund.
Watch Elliott Yamin, Fantasia in Angola video:

e-mail Idol Addict
© 2008
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
American Idol Top 11 Perform:
Don't Let Me Down

And whereas the performances last week -- with a few exceptions -- sparkled, this week they fell flat. There was almost a weird Sgt. Pepper-ish carnival-like atmosphere going on onstage, from the

Randy Jackson called it a perfect song choice but thought it was pitchy at the beginning and gave it a 7 out of 10. Paula Abdul also said the beginning "was a little sketchy" and also mentioned Amanda's pitchiness and pointed out that her timing was off -- she was a little ahead of the beat. She also told Amanda that she'd love to see her do a vulnerable ballad at some point. Simon Cowell, saying it was what it was, called it predictable and a bit of a mess in parts, adding, "I think you've got to, at least one week, do what David [Cook] did a couple weeks ago with the Lionel Richie song, and actually do something which is a bit of a surprise. Otherwise, you are in danger of becoming a little bit boring." Amanda said, "ballads are boring," then added that she has a minute and a half to show the audience what they would see if they bought a ticket to see her. She wants them to say, "Hey, that chick looks like fun, I wanna go see that show!" The audience went wild, Amanda raised her arms triumphantly and screamed "Yeah!" Simon, laughing, answered "Amanda, your tickets aren't on sale yet, right? So we might be jumping the gun a little bit here," which led to her response, "Even if I need to sell out a local bar in Lafayette, that's all I'm saying." It was the beginning of a very tiresome trend.
Watch video of Amanda Overmyer singing "Back is the U.S.S.R.":

Randy said the arrangement was interesting (we thought not), but that the whole song should have been a little bit more emotional, adding that it felt a little boring and a little safe. Paula agreed that it was a little safe and advised that sometimes it's better to stick to the song's original melody. She like the final high note and said, "If you could take those liberties a little more it'd be a little more interesting." Simon was deliciously cruel (sorry!), with "I think you need something like hypnosis or something, because the problem is that you're not a good performer." He then went on to compare her to "musical wallpaper" ("You notice it, but you can't remember it") and told her, "You're making no impact, apart from when you were terrible last week." (ouch!) She answered him, "Hey! Some people liked it." Answering a question by Ryan, Kristy Lee finished by saying, "hopefully I'm here next week because (turning to Simon and pointing), I can blow you out of your socks and you know it!" Uh-huh. This led to a lot of guffawing, "Whoas" by Randy and redness on both Simon's and Kristy's faces. Ryan, trying to give Kristy's call-in numbers, cracked up and said, "It's hot, turn on the air." We're not even going to touch that comment.
Watch video of Kristy Lee Cook singing "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away":

Randy said that David "brought the hotness back to his game," but added that he could have sung a couple runs. "So you played it a little safe. Take the liberties on joints like that. Very nice, though." Paula said, "This probably, for me, is the most exciting and wonderful performance because the purity of who you are and what your sound is is very identifiable (English translation please). And the fact that you can rise above adversity, come back strong. That challenge doesn't build character, it reveals character, and you're wonderful." Ugh! If Randy and Paula gave David his robe and sceptre, Simon placed the crown on his head with, "Last week was a complete mess. This week, I thought you were amazing ... that was a master class."
Watch video of David Archuleta singing "The Long and Winding Road":

Randy thought it wasn't one of Johns best performances, and (surprise!) said "I still don't think you've chosen the right song ... You can just sing and let your voice do your thing, but you haven't found that vehicle to do that yet. It wasn't one of your good ones, baby." Paula tried to excuse the flaws in Johns' performance with the earpiece that many of the contestants were using for the first time this week. She then found out that he wasn't wearing one, and quickly backpedalled with, "Now there's no excuse, you're a phenomenal performer but you've got to raise the game." Simon, never at a loss for criticism, said, "The long and short if it was, it was a mess," adding "You didn't hit the right notes, the song went all over the place." He advised Johns that "You've got to start sorting yourself out. If you want to do well in this competition, you have got to nail the song ... That was not good enough." Uh-oh. Will Johns be in the Bottom 3 this week? Well, he might have saved himself by telling Ryan that the song was dedicated to a friend of his who died last year, and it was the friend's favorite song.
Watch video of Michael Johns singing "A Day in the Life":

Randy said, "That performance was really awkward for me," and that Brooke never really connected to the song. "You were kind of moving awkward there ... It was not hot." Paula commented, "What was hot for me is that you can't help but smile when you watch you and listen to you sing (very true)." She also said the song showed the low notes of Brooke's voice and those low notes showed a different side of Brooke. But, Paula added, "It could have been a little more challenging." Simon cracked us up with "I just knew ... that you'd be dressed in yellow and the lighting would be yellow. I thought the performance was terrible. From the horrible dancing to the absolute lack of conviction ... It was wet. (huh?) It was forgettable. That's what it's all about: song choice." But it won't hurt Brooke. Not one bit. Partially because she has this disingenuous way of deflecting the judge's criticism by constantly interrupting them and turning it into a discussion. It might appear genuine, but it's beginning to carry the stink of premeditation. Like David Archuleta, right now she's absolutely untouchable.
Watch video of Brooke White singing "Here Comes the Sun":

Randy told Cook that he kept it interesting and that listening to him was "like going to another song at a David Cook concert." Jackson added that he didn't know if it was Cook's best performance, but it was another solid performance. Paula paid him the ultimate compliment with, "There's really not much else anyone can say because you're ready to go sell records." She also remarked that he used the voice box in a very cool way and that GEICO commercials were next. (er, think he'd rather be recording than doing GEICO commercials, but the commercials probably pay better.) Simon said, "I don't think that was as good as you thought it was. You looked a bit smug throughout." He also told Cook that, "You've lost your element of surprise a little bit," calling the performance a bit predictable and saying that he didn't like that version. No, Simon, we think you just don't like anyone being more smug than you are. When Ryan asked David what he thought about Simon's criticism, Cook smartly sidestepped any wise-cracking and answered, "As Simon said, it's an opinion" and that he listens to everything the judges say and tries to work on it.
Watch video of David Cook singing "Day Tripper":

Randy called it another great performance and said it was very controlled. He proclaimed it "cooliosis!" Paula told Carly that she had an amazing tone to her voice and that the arrangement was beautiful. We kind of cringed when she added, You stand right in there with a capital F, for fantastic." We wondered where that one was going for a second. Simon, who has been hating on Carly on and off for weeks, said, "I thought the song was indulgent. I didn't like the song at all." Carly then cut off his critique with her explanation of why she chose the song, saying she related to the lyrics because they reminded her of all the contestants who have been struggling to make it in the recording industry, getting beaten down but forging ahead anyway. Simon answered, "Carly, well now you've made me feel very uncomfortable, because I now think that you're all broken birds." She explained, "No, we're not anymore, but we were." "You're now free?" he asked. "Yeah, I'm able to sing," she said. "OK," he answered. Oh Puleeze, no more, we begged.
Watch video of Carly Smithson singing "Blackbird":

Randy said it was "I don't know if I really, really got it. It was just alright for me. I didn't feel like you were really connected with it." Paula added, "I feel like you get a little disconnected when you're away from your guitar. It was a little uncomfortable for me. It was an intimate song that became more like a polka." Simon, saying he didn't think it was such a good idea to do The beatles two weeks in a row (ya think?), added "This is all getting a little bit strange. Where you're lucky is this is a TV show and not a radio show, because your face sold that. What you have, Jason, and I like you a lot, is that you're very charming and you're not obnoxious. And it's your kind of goofiness that makes it work. Because if I just listening to that French-English version of the song on the radio, it would be [turning his hand as if it were on a dial] off."
Watch video of Jason Castro singing "Michelle":

Randy said that she took some liberties, worked on the melody and changed some things around a little bit. "In my estimation, very, very good performance tonight," he concluded. Paula said that it was great to see how Syesha let herself be very vulnerable and that "The only thing I would work on is connecting more with your eyes and really connecting with the audience. Other than that, you've got a beautiful instrument." Simon helped her with, "I thought that was probably your best performance so far. It wasn't incredible, but you chose the best song. You chose the song Brooke should have sung ... I thought you sold the song very, very well. I think that song and that performance should keep you in this competition." Yea!
Watch video of Syesha Mercado singing "Yesterday":

Randy said, "It sounded like it could make a good country song. I liked it when it went to the fast part. The slow part I didn't quite get, but you need all that up-tempo stuff to use all that energy you got, so I like that. The harmonica was a very weird strange arrangement." Paula said, "I disagree. I think you're showing who you are." She said when he sang it was pure, on pitch and beautiful, and then he showed a whole different side of himself. Simon felt "It started off okay and then you played the harmonica which was, literally atrocious, and then it turned into "Achy Breaky Heart" at the end ... I actually thought it was ... gimmicky." Yes, it was.
Watch video of Chikezie singing "I've Just Seen a Face":

Randy said he wasn't jumping up and down, that she showed that confidence he knows is in there, that is was just alright. Paula proclaimed it "Definitely better than last week (actually we liked her better last week). There is something about your voice when you sing ballads that allows you to really show your range. I want very much for you to get back in that zone ... and show people what you got and pick the right song." Simon added, "I like you a lot. You've got a fantastic personality. You're lots of fun. The track sounded terrible. It sounded very amateurish, the whole thing." He also said she chose a mediocre song that didn't show the best of her ability, "so it is what it is."
Watch video of Ramiele Malubay singing "I Should Have Known Better":
Top 3 performances: David Cook, Syesha Mercado, Carly Smithson
Bottom 3 performances: Kristy Lee Cook, Amanda Overmyer, Ramiele Malubay
e-mail Idol Addict
© 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
American Idol:
The Top 12 Results Show

Syesha Mercado ("Got to Get You Into My Life")
Kristy Lee Cook ("Eight Days a Week")
David Hernandez ("I Saw Her Standing There")

David Hernandez
Watch video of the David Hernandez elimination:
Also on the elimination show, the Top 12 medley tribute to Lennon-McCartney songs.
Watch video of the Top 12 Lennon-McCartney medley:

This week's Ford commercial was done to the song "The Distance," and featured a political campaign scenario. After all, for the first time in years, the presidential race is the hottest thing other than "Idol."
Watch video of the Top 12 Ford commercial set to "The Distance":

Watch video of the viewer question-and-answer segment:

Watch video of Katherine McPhee singing "Something" accompanied by David Foster:
And Ruben Studdard got yet another chance to prove why he won Season 2 with Season 7's new exit sing, a cover of Kenny Loggins' "Celebrate Me Home," which was played as the video montage of David Hernandez's "journey" was shown. Personally, we preferred the Graham Colton exit song,"Best Days," that was used during the semifinal eliminations.
Finally, Ryan Seacrest told us that due to all the phone calls and text messages the producers received, the contestants will again sing selections from the Lennon-McCartney songbook next week. Do they really expect us to swallow that as the reason we're sitting through Lennon-McCartney again? Not that we don't love The Beatles' songs -- we own every album they ever made -- but the producers must have paid a fortune to Sony for the rights and are either getting their money's worth out of it or fulfilling some contractual agreement. It had nothing to do with us, folks. Of that we're sure. Hopefully, Kristy Lee Cook will find a new way to butcher Lennon-McCartney and finally leave our lives. After all, too many Cooks have spoiled the "Idol" broth. David's the only one we need!
And, in case you missed it, watch video of Danny Noriega on "Ellen":
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